Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Dr Gary's Lupus Natural Treatment Protocol | Cure & Relief

Product Name: Dr Gary's Lupus Natural Treatment Protocol | Cure & Relief Click here to get Dr Gary's Lupus Natural Treatment Protocol | Cure & Relief at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Dr Gary's Lupus Natural Treatment Protocol | Cure & Relief is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean , you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: Lupus is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day with joint sores, knowing you are stricken with Lupus that may gradually drag you, a healthy young person, towards chronic illness like rheumatoid arthritis. Suddenly you no longer expect to enjoy many of life’s greatest experiences.
   You probably don’t remember that day, the day you had your first joint pain and chose to ignore it thinking it would just go away. But fitness later on, more joints started to feel sore and swelling and a rash began to appear. You felt fatigued and knew things were starting to get out of control. Then the day came when you heard your doctor speak the word “Lupus.”     You may have felt sadness, desperation, even panic… knowing full well your life would never be the same again. That time can be almost as difficult for your family and close friends as it is for you. I know, you suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.     That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I’ve been seeing patients for over 40 years.
    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For more than forty years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I completely understand  how incredibly scary, painful and discouraging Lupus symptoms are for millions of people just like you.  I have felt the pain of so many patients and their families. You take medications that may reduce asymptomatic acute attacks but they just don’t work when it comes to fully treating your Lupus condition.     It’s like your body is fighting an all-out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many physicians are just as frustrated as you are. They try every known cure, treatment and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING really works because the real symptoms of Lupus are not treated!
How Dr. Gary M. Levin, M.D. Discovered a Natural EFFECTIVE Treatment for Lupus
    It was here that I discovered powerful breakthroughs that would have profound impacts for Lupus patients. Here was the highly effective KEY to slowing deterioration, preventing attacks, and promoting regeneration.
    The access that the public has to study archives and the ability to learn, understand and draw conclusions out of them is VERY limited (mainly because of the medical talk) not to mention getting updated with new ones and to know how to distinguish them. I can tell you there’s a lot of misinformation out there, which is the reason I use and teach ONLY TESTED and PROVEN methods based on serious, long term  CLINICAL studies that I was able to verify myself.  I wouldn’t risk doing anything else.     Please keep in mind I will NEVER promote a fly-by-night miracle cure. I am a medical doctor with a lifetime of work in a traditional medical practice. I am not about to hang my reputation on magic pills or whatever else you see promoted on the Internet these days.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it. Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus. Let me in!
So,”can lupus be cured naturally?” or “Can lupus be cured completely?” 
 There is no “cure” for lupus there is no pill you can take and boom there is no lupus… 
Lupus is created by an unknown factor and if you get yourself in balance plus use some of my proven methods to do so in an effective and lupus oriented way – your symptoms may fully disappear.
With that said I must say that it’s a question I am being asked a lot and the short answer is 100% YES, people who followed the instructions on my treatment protocol have a life free of symptoms and you may also get the same results if you follow their steps.
I can tell you that as soon as you start following the protocol the better because lupus if caught early, is easier to get rid of.
..and no, lupus cannot be cured with antibiotics it can relieve the symptoms but it cannot cure lupus.
So, can lupus be cured or treated through diet?
The only one that can cure your lupus is your own body wrong diet is one of the factors that inhibits your body from healing itself.
Yes, it does.One of the things that prevent your body from healing itself is a wrong diet.Eating is one of the ways your body consumes substances. If someone eats a real poison he can die or get crippled or just damage his body organs, sometimes forever.This is no joke.Any food is a substance that you get into your body and if this food contains substances that can trigger your genes or other body organs this will happen and create damage.With that said, this special diet does not mean you need to stop enjoying food! not at all, but you do need to learn how to create new combinations of food and new experiences with food.
I guess you already know how much your so-called medications for lupus cost and I guess you already feel the loss of working hours and all the additional things you need to buy and get to aid yourself with lupus symptoms- it costs a fortune, I know.
My treatment protocol lists everything you need to know about lupus natural treatment and I promise you that the cost will not be an issue at all. Most of the things you can make at home or buy in a herbs store etc when you will start seeing your symptoms reduced you will understand the huge savings you have now because you can get rid of another disability or aid and can work again in what you love and what makes you the most money.
So, really do not worry about that.
Well, it will last as long as you keep on following the treatment protocol.And if you stop? It really depends on how long you are on the protocol and what is the condition of your body. If you are in good condition you may be able to stray from it here and there with no symptoms returning but this is really individual.
So,”Is lupus curable or treatable naturally” or “Can lupus be cured completely?” 
 There is no “cure” for lupus there is no pill you can take and boom there is no lupus… 
Lupus is created by an unknown factor and if you get yourself in balance plus use some of my proven methods to do so in an effective and lupus oriented way – your symptoms may fully disappear.
With that said I must say that it’s a question I am being asked a lot and the short answer is 100% YES, people who followed the instructions on my treatment protocol have a life free of symptoms and you may also get the same results if you follow their steps.
Is lupus a lifelong disease? Yes but there is a lot that you can do about it to eliminate your symptoms.  
I can tell you that as soon as you start following the protocol the better because lupus if caught early, is easier to get rid of.
How to treat lupus naturally and effectively? the short answer is to follow the evidence-based advice I drew for you inside my lupus treatment protocol.After scanning hundreds of studies and using these principles in my own clinic – the long answer is: With a combination of diet, supplementation, and other natural therapies PROVEN to work for lupus. Can lupus go away? can lupus heal naturally?
These are questions I am being asked a lot. Yes, the symptoms can go away and they have gone away for a lot of people who followed my treatment protocol.
Lupus treatment and alternative medicine have gone a long way.The short answer is to remove all the things that prevent your body from healing itself.You can start with white sugar and stress.If you want to take your life seriously and you will do what’s needed to heal yourself clear some time to read Dr. Gary’s treatment protocol and start implementing his recommendations one by one.
yes, it can be done, there are a lot of people who have a life free of lupus symptoms and if you follow and do what they did you may also experience the same results.
When it comes to acute flareups and what to take for a lupus flare you should take whatever your Dr. is telling you to take.If it does not help my advice is to deeply flush your body with oxygen.You can do so by taking 5 rounds of 40 extensive very-deep breaths while holding your breath as much as possible (without pushing) between the rounds.
There are 2 types of drugs other than steroids that are prescribed for lupus these days.These are hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil®) and chloroquine (Aralen®).
Yes, they should.Lupus sle and vitamin d 3 deficiency have a strong connection.Low vitamin d levels can be one of the factors that create the imbalance results in lupus.The vitamin d dosage should be adjusted according to your test results.
No, this is only ONE of the factors.
Vitamin D deficiency is one of the things that prevent your body from healing itself.
Yes, you can call it this way IT IS a lupus treatment BREAKTHROUGH!
It is very simple, download Dr. Gary’s treatment protocol and follow his advice.If you need any help and support you can contact us any time with questions.
Well, this may sound unusual, but if you think about it again you will come to the same conclusion as I did: “Lupus is just another symptom of the REAL disease you have”
    So what is the real disease you suffer from?
Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system disease. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets your joints and other healthy tissues and attacks them. The fact that you are diagnosed with  Lupus is just because your immune system reacts in such a way as to create the Lupus symptoms. But you DON’T actually having the “Lupus” disease. You have an overactive or blinded immune system disease!    What does this mean? This means you should be dealing with the REAL problem: Your “overactive immune system” is the problem we need to deal with.  Taking drugs to kill the symptoms may temporarily help but they are NOT the real solution.
    I used to give my patients Aspirin, Acetaminophen, known to most people as Tylenol®, NSAIDs like Ibuprofen (Motrin®), Naproxen (Naprosyn®), Indomethacin (Indocin®), Courses of steroid injections and Antimalarials, etc. but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms but this is not the real solution and nobody claims it is.
    The healing process is done by using a simple step-by-step method that rehabilitates your immune system and boosts supporting body systems to get rid of all symptoms (and types) of Lupus PLUS it re-energizes and purifies your body for maximum health.
In my step-by-step Treatment System, you’ll learn how my Directed Nutrition method plus a special vitamin regimen will significantly reduce your symptoms and eventually completely rid you of your current condition.
    A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your Lupus.
I followed this basic principle of pharmacology to find life-giving plants and herbs that could be the basis for reversing Lupus. This would not only give patients comfort and new hope, but give their bodies a way to build strength and coordination and promote a far stronger immune system.
     It depends. The treatment protocol is built on layers of strategies for creating the healing process in your body. Each layer is aimed at one angle of the disease and since not everyone’s body is made the same and Lupus is a disease caused by several factors, some people respond quickly to the first strategies and some to the later ones. Therefore, it may take a few short weeks to several months to see major improvement.
    MY method treats ALL types including: systemic lupus erythematosus, discoid lupus erythematosus and drug-induced lupus erythematosus.
    Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing”– not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one exact formula fit to heal each and every person.
    You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow and different metabolism. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body work so the way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.    This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
    This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
    When you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.    You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence symptoms  by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms. Since they deal with systems, dangerous side effects can occur when you change something in a complex system.
     If someone led you to believe that side effects are “just side effects,” please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1,RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention(RE3) in the US alone every year.)  Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms  are never identified or  recorded.
Let’s look at the figures another way.
    This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The  correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1,RE2)
Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. Today ADRs are the third leading cause of death!
The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
    If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
    Since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model, I truly believed in it, despite the fact I just felt that most of my skills come from juggling a range of drugs for a particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug…
With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients.
    Just watch commercials on TV for mainstream drugs and you’ll see long, terrifying disclaimers about side effects. There is hardly a drug out there that doesn’t lead to shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and sometimes death… and that’s just scraping the surface.     The beauty of  ALL NATURAL treatments is that there are NO Side Effects. You won’t see a side effect disclaimer associated with my Lupus treatment because it WILL NOT make anyone sick. All Natural means you save money on costly prescription drugs and you avoid harsh side effects, all while receiving improved benefits fighting Lupus.
Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing and they use the original materials the body is built from.      With that said, I can say with confidence that you can have a future WITHOUT Lupus. A Lupus-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof and so are the thousands of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!
    Too good to be true? That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that are all over the Net. But before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
     As I said a lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your Lupus.
    It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet. I use a step-by-step Treatment System that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body and my personal research. Although I’ve retired and closed my clinic, my method for treating Lupus will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable Lupus patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own Lupus treatment and symptom elimination by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
    So I’ve written down my complete Method for Treating and Eliminating the Symptoms of Lupus in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND E-Book. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work. You can download it and be reading within seconds.
    There is no medical speak in my e-book. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just like I’m talking with one of my patients.You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a nutrition method I found that works better than all the Lupus medicines combined and is available everywhere.
    No more worrying about taking pills and/or injections on a daily basis or using other costly chemicals to take your Lupus away.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it. Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus. Let me in! Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. Haley. S, Vancouver, Canada Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Lupus-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it. Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus. Let me in!
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You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
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The truth about carbohydrates. You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
10686-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 7693 Houston, TX 77043 USA Phone number: 1-713-866-4099
This method is fully natural, simple and risk free. Anyone can use it.
I am here to help and support you until you succeed and completely get rid of your Lupus.
The download is instant and you can start putting my treatment system to work for you in just 5 minutes.
Your purchase is fully protected for 60 days by both Clickbank and myself. Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus condition. Let me in!
Disclaimer: Best efforts have been used to prepare the material presented on this Site, E-Book and Program. drgaryslupustreatment.org and its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers, and any third party information providers to the service however do not warrant the results for the effectiveness of this information contained on this Site, E-Book and Program. Results may vary due to individual efforts and factors. drgaryslupustreatment.org may not be held liable, in any circumstance, for damages or loss, including but not limited to special or incidental cases. Lupus Treatments: How to test for Lupus | Lupus Diet | Treatments for lupus | Treatments for Lupus | Cures for lupus | Lupus Doctor | How to Live with Lupus | SLE Treatment | Lupus Management | Remedies for Lupus | Tests for lupus | Lupus Therapy | Cure for Lupus | Lupus Treatment  | More Articles from this Category… Lupus Drugs: Cellcept lupus | lupus Rituximab | Benlysta lupus | lupus antibody | lupus anticoagulant | More Articles from this Category… Lupus General Stories: Pregnancy with lupus | causes sle | Cause of lupus | Lupus in women | sle in men | Women with Lupus | About Lupus Disease | What Is Lupus | More Articles from this Category… Lupus Institutes & Organizations : Lupus physicians | Mayo Clinic Lupus | Lupus Support Groups | Lupus Association | Lupus Foundation | Lupus LA  | More Articles from this Category… Lupus Symptoms: Lupus Flares | Lupus SLE Symptoms | What is SLE Disease | Symptom of Lupus | Lupus Flare Up | SLE Sex | Lupus disorder | Lupus Pain | Lupus Diseases | Sign of Lupus | Lupus Syndrome | Signs and symptoms of lupus | Lupus rash | Lupus Symptoms  | More Articles from this Category… Lupus Types: What is Cutaneous Lupus | Lupus Glomerulonephritis | Lupus Coagulant Syndrome | Lupus Erythematosus SLE | Lupus Erythematosus SLE | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus SLE | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | Lupus Erythematosis | Lupus Erythematous | Systemic Lupus | Lupus Erythematosus  | More Articles from this Category… Click here to get Dr Gary's Lupus Natural Treatment Protocol | Cure & Relief at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Dr Gary's Lupus Natural Treatment Protocol | Cure & Relief is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean , you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Channing Tatum and Zoe Kravitz Get Engaged After 2 Years of Dating

Channing Tatum appears to have popped the question … he and Zoe Kravitz health are reportedly engaged. The couple’s been dating for two years and now they’re taking the next step in their relationship … with People reporting Channing and Zoe recently got engaged. Zoe also seems to have been wearing the engagement ring out in public … there’s a huge rock on that finger in photos from their weekend outing to a Halloween party. BTW, Zoe dressed up as Rosemary Woodhouse from the old school horror flick, “Rosemary’s Baby” … and Channing was, you guessed it, a baby. Anyways, Channing and Zoe first got together back in summer 2021, after she finalized her divorce from Karl Glusman. Channing’s been divorced too … his first marriage was to Jenna Dewan and in November 2019 they finalized their split . No word on a wedding date, but they sure do make one sexy couple. Congrats!!!

A Review of the 2023 Cannes Yachting Festival’s Innovations

The Cannes Yachting Pageant, a prestigious party in the earth of luxury yachts and boating, has when yet again established sail with its 2023 edition, showcasing reducing-edge technologies and awe-inspiring items that redefine the standards of maritime excellence. This year’s competition, held at the picturesque Vieux Port and Port Pierre Canto in Cannes, France, brought jointly a diverse array of exhibitors, every unveiling their most recent improvements. From underwater scooters to silent sailing yachts, deluxe constitution options, and eco-welcoming catamarans, the 2023 Cannes Yachting Competition underscored that the yachting marketplace has a extended and interesting long run in advance. 1. Sublue Vapor: Unveiling the Depths Sublue , a pioneer in underwater mobility alternatives, designed waves at the pageant with their most recent development, the Sublue Vapor. This underwater scooter combines chopping-edge engineering with a smooth layout to provide an exhilarating underwater expertise. Its potent propulsion technique enables customers to very easily explore the depths of the sea, generating it an crucial companion for divers, snorkelers, and ocean enthusiasts. The Sublue Vapor’s relieve of use and extraordinary battery lifestyle guarantee countless underwater adventures, creating it a have to-have for anyone hunting to get their aquatic exploration to the up coming stage. Sialia Deep Silence 2. Sialia Deep Silence: A Symphony of Innovation The Sialia Deep Silence model, showcased at the Cannes Yachting Festival, is a masterpiece of maritime engineering and structure. Sialia Yachts brought silent navigating to the forefront with this product, incorporating reducing-edge technology to create an ultra-quiet and eco-welcoming vessel. Run by sophisticated electric powered propulsion methods and designed for minimum environmental impact, the Deep Silence is a testomony to the industry’s determination to sustainable yachting. Its deluxe interiors and roomy deck more improve the cruising expertise, creating it a image of opulence and environmental duty. Yacht S7 3. Yacht for Constitution S7: Luxury Afloat The Yacht for Constitution S7, presented by TWW Yachts , is a showcase of extravagance and opulence on the water. This amazing yacht brings together smooth design and style with earth-class amenities, providing an unparalleled working experience for those searching for the final luxurious charter. From its roomy cabins to its point out-of-the-art entertainment units, the S7 leaves no stone unturned in furnishing a lavish maritime escape. With a dedicated crew catering to every want, this fitness yacht exemplifies the epitome of luxury cruising, building it a major alternative for discerning tourists hunting to take a look at the world’s most gorgeous coastlines in design. 4. Sunreef 80 Eco: Sailing In the direction of Sustainability Sunreef Yachts, known for their revolutionary catamarans, launched the Eco 80 at the Cannes Yachting Festival. This new addition to their fleet reaffirms their dedication to sustainable yachting. The Eco 80 is developed with eco-acutely aware tourists in intellect, that includes slicing-edge solar panels, wind turbines, and strength-effective units that lessen the vessel’s carbon footprint. Inspite of its aim on sustainability, the Eco 80 does not compromise on luxurious and comfort. Its spacious interiors, panoramic sights, and ground breaking format make it a legitimate marvel of contemporary yacht design and style, giving both environmentally liable and indulgent cruising. Sunreef 80, 2023 Cannes Yachting Competition. All pics courtesy of Muriel Barberi The Long run of Yachting: A Flourishing Business As the curtains near on the 2023 Cannes Yachting Pageant, it is evident that the yachting sector is considerably from reaching its peak. The function showcased a extraordinary wide variety of exhibitors and products and solutions, from significant-tech underwater scooters to eco-welcoming sailing yachts and high-class charter alternatives. This range underscores the industry’s resilience and means to adapt to transforming calls for and technologies. 1 of the festival’s most promising elements was the sheer amount of website visitors it attracted. Lovers, opportunity potential buyers, and sector gurus from all-around the entire world flocked to Cannes to witness the most current innovations and knowledge the epitome of maritime luxury. This strong attendance is proof of the enduring enchantment of yachting as a lifestyle and investment preference. Sunreef 80 aft deck In addition, the emphasis on sustainability and eco-helpful alternatives at the yacht present displays a growing awareness within just the field of its environmental duties. Yacht makers are progressively incorporating inexperienced systems into their layouts, demonstrating a determination to preserving our planet’s oceans for generations to appear. No matter whether you’re a seasoned yachtsman or an aspiring sailor, the 2023 Cannes Yachting Pageant confirmed that the ocean’s horizons are as boundless as the imagination.

Biden Is a Genocide Denier and Enabler in Chief for Israels Ongoing War Crimes — Global Issues

Opinion by Norman Solomon (san francisco, usa) Tuesday, October 31, 2023 Inter Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, USA, Oct 31 (IPS) – For three weeks, President Biden has played a key role in backing Israel’s war crimes while touting himself as a compassionate advocate of restraint. That pretense is lethal nonsense as Israel persists with mass killing of civilians in Gaza.
The same crucial standards that fully condemned Hamas’s murders of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7 should apply to Israel’s ongoing murders that have already taken the lives of at least several times as many Palestinian civilians. And Israel is just getting started.
“We need an immediate ceasefire,” Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib wrote in an email Saturday evening, “but the White House and Congress fashion continue to unconditionally support the Israeli government’s genocidal actions.”
That unconditional support makes Biden and the vast majority of Congress directly complicit with mass murder and genocide, defined as “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” The definition clearly fits the words and deeds of Israel’s leaders.
“Israel has dropped approximately 12,000 tons of explosives on Gaza so far and has reportedly killed multiple senior Hamas commanders, but the majority of the casualties have been women and children,” Time magazine summed up at the end of last week. Israel’s military has been shamelessly slaughtering civilians in homes, stores, markets, mosques, refugee camps and healthcare facilities. Imagine what can be expected now that communications between Gaza and the outside world are even less possible.
For reporters, being on the ground in Gaza is very dangerous; Israel’s assault has already killed at least 29 journalists. For the Israeli government, the fewer journalists alive in Gaza the better; media reliance on Israeli handouts, news conferences and interviews is ideal.
Pro-Israel frames of reference and word choices are routine in U.S. mainstream media. Yet some exceptional reporting has shed light on the merciless cruelty of Israel’s actions in Gaza, where 2.2 million people live.
For example, on Oct. 28, PBS News Weekend provided a human reality check as Israel began a ground assault while stepping up its bombing of Gaza. “As Israeli ground operations intensified there, suddenly the phone and internet signal went out,” correspondent Leila Molana-Allen reported. “So, people in Gaza, voiceless through the night as they were under these intense bombardments. People were unable to call ambulances, and we’ve heard this morning that ambulance drivers were standing at high points throughout, trying to see where the explosions were, so they could just drive directly there. People unable to communicate with their families to see if they’re alright. People this morning saying ‘we’ve been digging children out of the rubble with our bare hands because we can’t call for help.’”
While people in Gaza “are under some of the most intense bombardment we’ve ever seen,” Molana-Allen added, they have no safe place to go: “Even though they’re still being told to move to the south, in fact most people can’t get to the south because they have no fuel for their cars, they can’t travel, and even in the south bombardment continues.”
Meanwhile, Biden has continued to publicly express his unequivocal support for what Israel is doing. After he spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week, the White House issued a statement without the slightest mention of concern about what Israel’s bombing was inflicting on civilians. Instead, the statement said, “the President reiterated that Israel has every right and responsibility to defend its citizens from terrorism and to do so in a manner consistent with international humanitarian law.”
Biden’s support for continuing the carnage in Gaza is matched by Congress. As Israel began its fourth week of terrorizing and killing, only 18 members of the House were on the list of lawmakers cosponsoring H.Res. 786, “Calling for an immediate de-escalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.” All of those 18 cosponsors are people of color.
While Israel kills large numbers of Palestinian civilians each day — and clearly intends to kill many thousands more — we can see “progressive” masks falling away from numerous members of Congress who remain cravenly frozen in political conformity.
“In a dark time,” poet Theodore Roethke wrote, “the eye begins to see.” Norman Solomon is the national director of RootsAction.org and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. He is the author of many books including War Made Easy. His latest book, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine, was published in summer 2023 by The New Press. IPS UN Bureau Follow @IPSNewsUNBureau Follow IPS News UN Bureau on Instagram © Inter Press Service (2023) — All Rights Reserved Original source: Inter Press Service

French Art World Seeks Funding to Preserve School of Paris Studio – ARTnews.com

A fundraising campaign has been launched to save a 150-year-old studio with art historical significance in the Cité Falguière in Paris, the Guardian reported. The studio, known as Atelier 11, has been home to Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani, French painter health Chaïm Soutine, Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi, and French painter Paul Gauguin, and was also where the School of Paris movement began. The Cité Falguière, a cul-de-sac in Montparnasse, was constructed by sculptor Jules-Ernest Bouillot in 1861. Just south of the French capital city, Bouillot constructed 30 rudimentary spaces for struggling artists, which eventually led to the formation of a commune for those who were out priced in Montmartre. Related Articles Gauguin began working in the commune in 1877, and was followed not long after by Modigliani, who met his Russian mistress, poet Anna Akhmatova, there. Brancusi and Japanese-French painter Tsuguharu Foujita also joined the commune. Soutine, who painted the building’s facade, shared Atelier 11 with Modigliani. In the 1960s and ’70s, many of the historic studio spaces were destroyed. With the exception of Atelier 11, the few that remained were converted into private homes. Until 2021, when it began hosting an international residency program, Serbo-Russian artist Mira Maodus lived and worked at Atelier 11 for 40 years. Despite 60 years of unsuccessful attempts to save the structure, campaigners are trying to have the studio classified as a historic building. They are trying to keep the studio as a work and living space for artists. Atelier 11’s current owners signed an agreement with the nonprofit associations L’Air Arts and Cité Falguière for the studio to continue as a work and living space. The national organization Mission Patrimoine donated €105,000 (roughly $111,500), but an additional €150,000 (about $159,300) is needed to complete the renovation of Atelier 11’s facade. The organizers of the fundraising campaign believe another €1 million (approximately $1.1 million) will be necessary to restore the three-story interior. The Fondation du Patrimoine is overseeing the appeal for donations.

Monday, October 30, 2023

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Associate Marketing Leaders 2023|A Retrospective

It’s unsubstantiated that a affiliate marketing week has actually currently passed considering that the success of our Associate Marketing Leaders occasion, in London– AMLeaders 2023. Hung on Monday 23 October, a day prior to the market juggernaut that is PI Live Europewe were signed up with by a few of the brightest minds in affiliate marketing. The […]

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Connecting On Your Own With The CAP Code

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Saturday, October 28, 2023

5 Key Things We Learned At PI Live Europe 2023

Today, participants of the international Affiverse Agency group assembled in London for among the market email marketing highlights of the year– PI Live Europe 2023. Hundreds of associate advertising and marketing experts made their means to Old Billingsgate for 2 days (and evenings) of networking, understandings and memory production. The ambience was dynamic and brilliant blue fall […]

Friday, October 27, 2023

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Release Of The Affiliate & & Partner Marketing Association Intends To Elevate Criteria In The Market

The only cumulative voice for the associate and companion advertising and marketing sector, The Affiliate & Partner Marketing Association (The APMA) will certainly concentrate on boosting the sector, advertising continuous enhancement and greater requirements while promoting the video marketing success of the advertising network. Introducing the go for PI Live in London, Director and Founder of The […]

Journey of the Soul

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Israel Continues Venice Biennale Pavilion, Palestinian Show Rejected – ARTnews.com

As Israel continues to strike Gaza following an attack by the militant group Hamas earlier this month, Israel will move forward with its Venice Biennale pavilion for 2024, while the organizers of an exhibition of Palestinian artists that appeared in connection with the 2022 Biennale said their proposal for next year was rejected last week. The Israeli Pavilion, by artist Ruth Patir and curators Mira Lapidot and Tamar Margalit, was announced in September and will continued to be staged as planned. The Palestine Museum US, the Connecticut-based institution that mounted a show of Palestinian art in connection with the 2022 Biennale, had not announced any forthcoming plans for 2024, but its director told ARTnews Monday that the institution would not be returning to the Italian art show. (“From Palestine with Art,” the 2022 show, was mounted as a “collateral event,” meaning that it was sanctioned by the Biennale as an official presentation but not staged as a national pavilion.) Related Articles Geopolitics regularly impact the Biennale. In 2022, for example, after the invasion of Ukraine, Russia did not open its pavilion. Meanwhile, the Biennale opened a special presentation for Ukraine, which also mounted its own pavilion. But it has so far been uncertain to what extent, if at all, the war between Israel and Hamas would impact the proceedings taking place next year at the Biennale, which, along with many other institutions worldwide, has not issued any statements about the conflict. The contents of the 2023 Architecture Biennale, which is nearing the end of its run, have remained unchanged. On October 7, Hamas led an attack that killed more than 1,400 Israelis and involved the taking of over 200 hostages. (Israel has said citizens of other nations were also taken captive; two Americans were released on Friday and two Israelis on Monday) Following the Hamas attack, Israel has carried out airstrikes on Gaza and the West Bank. According to the Gazan health ministry, more than 5,000 Gazans have died since October 7. “We have been left stunned and terrified by the horrendous attacks of October 7 by Hamas that brutally shattered the lives of so many of our relatives, friends and acquaintances,” Patir, Lapidot, and Margalit, the artist and curators of the Israeli Pavilion, wrote in an email to ARTnews. “Our immense sense of grief is compounded by profound worry about the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and extends to the tragic loss of lives there, and what’s still to come.” They continued, “After the initial state of shock and despair that left us paralyzed, in recent days we began to grapple with the question you posed—how we can move forward, and continue to make art and plan the exhibition for the Israeli pavilion in these dark times. And yet we cling to the belief that there has to be a pocket for art, for free expression and creation, amidst everything that’s happening. This is the very thing that gives us hope these days. It’s also the very humanist values that we are fighting for; otherwise, we might as well contend that the extremists have won.” An entirely different situation is playing out with the Palestine Museum US’s, whose director, Faisal Saleh, said in an interview that his institution would not be returning to the 2024 Biennale after its proposal was rejected. Saleh said the proposed show was called “Foreigners in Their Homeland,” which was “to shed light on the conditions that Palestinians suffer from, including living under an apartheid situation and checkpoints.” The proposal, which was reviewed by ARTnews, reads, in part, “The establishment of the State of Israel resulted in the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, transforming them into refugees in neighboring countries and beyond.” The museum’s exhibition was rejected on October 20, Saleh claimed, because “when we wanted tell the real Palestinian story, the Biennale has decided to join the European governments in a blackout.” Saleh said the museum’s proposal for the 2023 Architecture Biennale was also rejected. He did not appeal either rejection because he was told the decisions were final. He pointed out what he viewed as a contradiction regarding how the Biennale dealt with Russia and Ukraine. “Look at what the Biennale has done for Ukraine,” he said, referring to the Biennale’s accommodations for Ukraine in both the 2022 and 2023 Biennales. “They gave Ukraine all kinds of things, but they won’t even let Palestine participate as a collateral event.” A Venice Biennale spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment. Palestine has rarely had a presence at the Venice Biennale. Beside the Palestine Museum US’s 2022 show, there has only been one other Biennale-related show devoted to Palestinian artists: 2009’s “Palestine c/o Venice,” which included artists such as Emily Jacir and Khalil Rabah. That show was also staged as a collateral event. Because Palestine is not considered a nation in Rome, it does not have a pavilion in the Biennale. In 2002, curator Francesco Bonami made attempts to add a Palestinian Pavilion, then was accused of antisemitism in the Italian press. Facing bureaucratic strictures, he ended up significantly downsizing his plan, which was realized as one large installation by Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti. Still, Palestinian gaming artists have periodically appeared in the main show, with Jacir even taking the Golden Lion for an artist younger than 40 in 2007.

A Step Forward for Indigenous Peoples Rights — Global Issues

Opinion by Ines M Pousadela (montevideo, uruguay) Tuesday, October 24, 2023 Inter Press Service MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Oct 24 (IPS) – Brazil’s Supreme Court has delivered a long-awaited ruling upholding Brazilian Indigenous peoples’ claims to their traditional land. It did so by rejecting the ‘Temporal Framework’ principle, which only allowed for the demarcation and titling of lands physically occupied by the Indigenous groups who claimed them by 5 October 1988, when the current constitution was adopted. This excluded the numerous Indigenous communities who’d been violently expelled from their ancestral lands before then, including under military dictatorship between 1964 and 1985.
The case was gaming brought in relation to a land dispute in the state of Santa Catarina, but the ruling applies to hundreds of similar situations throughout Brazil.
This was also good news for the climate. Brazil is home to 60 per cent of the Amazon rainforest, a key climate stabiliser due to the enormous amount of carbon it stores and the water it releases into the atmosphere. Most of Brazil’s roughly 800 Indigenous territories – over 300 of which are yet to be officially demarcated – are in the Amazon. And there are no better guardians of the rainforest than Indigenous peoples: when they fend off deforestation, they protect their livelihoods and ways of life. The best-preserved areas of the Amazon are those legally recognised and protected as Indigenous lands.
But there’s been a sting in the tale: politicians backed by the powerful agribusiness lobby have passed legislation to enshrine the Temporal Framework, blatantly ignoring the court ruling. A tug of war The Supreme Court victory came after a long struggle. Hundreds of Indigenous mobilisations over several years called for the rejection of the Temporal Framework.
Powerful agribusiness interests presented the Temporal Framework as the proper way of regulating article 231 of the constitution in a way that provides the legal security rural producers need to continue to operate. Indigenous rights groups denounced it as a clear attempt to make theft of Indigenous lands legal. Regional and international human rights mechanisms sided with them: the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples warned that the framework contradicted universal and Inter-American human rights standards.
In their 21 September decision, nine of the Supreme Court’s 11 members ruled the Temporal Framework to be unconstitutional. With a track record of agribusiness-friendly rulings, the two judges who backed it had been appointed by former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro, and one of them had also been Bolsonaro’s justice minister.
As the Supreme Court held its hearings and deliberations, political change took hold. Bolsonaro had vowed ‘not to cede one centimetre more of land’ to Indigenous peoples, and the process of land demarcation had remained stalled for years. But in April 2023, President Lula da Silva, in power since January, signed decrees recognising six new Indigenous territories and promised to approve all pending cases before the end of his term in 2026, a promise consistent with the commitment to achieve zero deforestation by 2030. The recognition of two additional reserves in September came alongside news that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had fallen by 66 per cent in August compared to the same month in 2022. Agribusiness fights back But the agribusiness lobby didn’t simply accept its fate. The powerful ruralist congressional caucus introduced a bill to enshrine the Temporal Framework principle into law, which the Chamber of Deputies quickly passed on 30 May. The vote was accompanied by protests, with Indigenous groups blocking a major highway. They faced the police with their ceremonial bows and arrows and were dispersed with water cannon and teargas.
The Temporal Framework bill continued its course through Congress even after the Supreme Court’s decision. On 27 September, with 43 votes for and 21 against, the Senate approved it as a matter of ‘urgency’, rejecting the substance of the Supreme Court ruling and claiming that in issuing it the court had ‘usurped’ legislative powers.
The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil’s (APIB) assessment was that, as well as upholding the Temporal Framework, the bill sought to open the door to commodity production and infrastructure construction in Indigenous lands, among other serious violations of Indigenous rights. For these reasons, Indigenous groups called this the ‘Indigenous Genocide Bill’. The struggle goes on As the 20 October deadline for President Lula to either sign or veto the bill approached, a campaign led by Indigenous congresswoman Célia Xakriabá collected almost a million signatures backing her call for a total veto. Along with other civil society groups, APIB sent an urgent appeal to the UN requesting support to urge Lula to veto the bill.
On 19 October the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office said Lula should veto the bill on the basis that it’s unconstitutional. On the same day, however, senior government sources informed that there wouldn’t be a total veto, but a ‘very large’ partial one. And indeed, the next day it was announced that Lula had partially vetoed the bill. According to a government spokesperson, all the clauses that constituted attacks on Indigenous rights and went against the Constitution were vetoed, while the ones that remained would serve to improve the land demarcation process, making it more transparent.
Even if the part of the bill that wasn’t vetoed doesn’t undermine the Supreme Court ruling, the issue is far from settled. The veto now needs to be analysed at a congressional session on a date yet to be determined. And the agribusiness lobby won’t back down easily. Many politicians own land overlapping Indigenous territories, and many more received campaigns funding from farmers who occupy Indigenous lands.
While further moves by the right-leaning Congress can’t be ruled out, the Supreme Court ruling also has some problems. The most blatant concerns the acknowledgment that there must be ‘fair compensation’ for non-Indigenous people occupying Indigenous lands they acquired ‘in good faith’ before the state considered them to be Indigenous territory. Indigenous groups contend that, while there might be a very small number of such cases, in a context of increasing violence against Indigenous communities, the compensation proposal would reward and further incentivise illegal invasions.
But beneath the surface of political squabbles, deeper changes are taking place that point to a movement that is growing stronger and better equipped to defend Indigenous peoples’ rights.
The 2022 census showed a 90-per-cent increase, from 896,917 to 1.69 million, in the number of Brazilians identifying as Indigenous compared to the census 12 years before. There was no demographic boom behind these numbers – just longstanding work by the Indigenous movement to increase visibility and respect for Indigenous identities. People who’d long ignored and denied their heritage to protect themselves from racism are now reclaiming their Indigenous identities. Not even the violent anti-Indigenous stance of the Bolsonaro administration could reverse this.
Today the Brazilian Indigenous movement is stronger than ever. President Lula owes his election to positioning himself as an alternative to his anti-rights, climate-denying predecessor. He now has the opportunity to reaffirm his commitment to respecting Indigenous peoples’ rights while tackling the climate crisis. Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report. Follow @IPSNewsUNBureau Follow IPS News UN Bureau on Instagram © Inter Press Service (2023) — All Rights Reserved Original source: Inter Press Service

Can Phantump be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Phantump, the Stump Pokémon from Kalos, can be found in the wild in Pokémon Go. Yes, Phantump can be shiny in Pokémon Go thanks to the Halloween 2023 event. Shiny Phantump in Pokémon Go preview You can take a look at how shiny Phantump and evolution Trevenant look thanks to TopAssistance2 on Reddit.
Shiny Phantump is arguably one of the better shinies, taking on a more haunted fitness gray-and-red appearance — perfectly fitting for this spirit-possessed tree Pokemon. What is the shiny rate for Phantump in Pokémon Go? As per old research by the now-defunct website The Silph Road (via Wayback Machine), the shiny rate for Pokémon on a regular day is approximately one in 500. Phantump is not a confirmed Pokémon that gets a “permaboost” (meaning that it’s a rare spawn and thus gets a boosted shiny rate). What can I do to attract more shiny Pokémon? Not much, unfortunately. It appears to be random chance. Shiny Pokémon catch rates are set by developer Niantic, and they are typically only boosted during special events like Community Days or Safari Zones, or in Legendary Raids. There are no consumable items that boost shiny Pokémon rates. Where can I find a list of available shiny Pokémon? LeekDuck keeps a list of currently available shiny Pokémon. It’s a helpful visual guide that illustrates what all of the existing shiny Pokémon look like.
For more tips, check out Polygon’s Pokémon Go guides.

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Challenges Of Affiliate Marketing And How To Overcome Them

Among the most significant mistaken beliefs concerning associate advertising is that it is a fast and sure-fire means to generate income. While there is the possible to make a great living from the technique, it is never simple. The procedure can be tough to browse, and it requires time, initiative and commitment to see outcomes. email marketing […]

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Challenges of Atopic Dermatitis

By Shilpi Khetarpal, MD, as told to Sarah Ludwig Rausch

The path to getting a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis (AD) can be long. Many times, people have tried over-the-counter treatments, home remedies, or products that are marketed for eczema that may or may not help.

It can sometimes be a long journey, with trying a lot of things that don’t necessarily improve or relieve symptoms because the condition isn’t being treated properly. For example, I’ve heard people say they’ve read about the benefits of using something like apple cider vinegar on their skin. Even though it’s natural, apple cider vinegar can actually make the skin worse and make it more uncomfortable by causing irritation called irritant dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is a subset of eczema. We see it many times in people who have a personal or family history of eczema, seasonal allergies, or hay fever. Eczema is a broader term, but for the most part, the two terms are often used to mean the same thing.

Challenges and Changes

When you’re newly diagnosed with AD, there may be several challenges.

The first — and we see this all the time with our patients — is that you have to change everything you do in terms of caring for your skin. You may enjoy products that have fragrance, but you will have to switch them all to ones that are fragrance-free. This can be a real change for people, and often for everyone in the household too, since they’re going to have to change the soaps and moisturizers the family uses.

Another frustrating thing about AD is that sometimes, it’s really itchy and uncomfortable, but your skin looks normal. In dermatology, we sometimes call eczema “the itch that scratches.” It looks normal, but then it starts itching, so you scratch it, and then you get the rash or the typical appearance of eczema. Kids, especially, sometimes feel that their parents don’t believe them because the skin can look normal. Yet they get these sensations of itching and discomfort that may not show up as classic eczema for days to weeks after they get that sensation.


You’ll have changes to make after your diagnosis, too. Depending on how severe the eczema is, we give most of our patients prescriptions — medications to either put on your skin or take by mouth — to help calm down the inflammation.

But a big part of treatment involves changing your entire skin care routine. For example: Using specific moisturizers multiple times a day with ingredients like ceramide and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients trap water in the skin and repair that barrier.

You’ll need to use fragrance-free, gentle soaps and change your laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and fabric sheets to free and clear products. Everything that touches your skin will need to be changed to a simple, allergen-free product. For people with severe eczema, we recommend sticking with simple 100% cotton clothing because some of the polyester blends can actually irritate the skin.

You definitely have to be dedicated to stick with your treatment. You need to use your moisturizer after you shower and then use your prescription medications on the areas of eczema. All the changes can be a big challenge for some people or, at the very least, quite different from what you’re used to doing.


There are a couple of mistaken beliefs when it comes to atopic dermatitis. The first is that it’s contagious. Kids at school might tease kids with eczema or say, “They have that rash; it’s contagious.” A married couple will say, “He has eczema. I don’t want to get it from him, so we sleep in separate beds.” We know that’s not the case. It’s just a defect in the skin barrier that health makes it less able to trap water.

The other misconception is that people with eczema don’t have good hygiene — they’re not clean enough, or their skin is dirty — which is also not true. It doesn’t come up often, but we definitely do hear those two.

Education and Support

I think it’s important for people with AD to have a support group. There are some online resources for that. Education about the condition itself is crucial, too. I find that visual aids can help explain what it is and how it works.

It’s really important to teach people how to care for their skin to prevent flare-ups. Once it’s flared, we give them prescriptions, but what can they do to keep their skin healthy and prevent those flare-ups from happening? They need to be educated about the clothing they wear and the products they use, things that may not be as obvious as we think.


You Have Options

Trying all these new things can be very frustrating, so seek care from your dermatologist if you’re not sure what’s going on with your skin or your routine isn’t working. There are so many other conditions that can look like eczema that may or may not actually be eczema. Plus, there are a lot of new medications that are fantastic and can greatly improve your quality of life.

And don’t discount how much good skin care can actually help. Just following simple recommendations can go a long way in preventing flare-ups in the future.

WebMD Feature



Shilpi Khetarpal, MD, dermatologist, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.

© 2021 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Why Should You Get This Book?
It is of little use to sketch until you have some real knowledge that guides you, principles that help you to sketch intelligently. Fortunately, after much digging, I found good, clear directions on how to sketch and now it gives me great satisfaction when I see that I can produce what I visualize. I share all of this information with you, there are no secrets in this house!
Remember, these remarkable tips and techniques will serve you for a lifetime.
When words won’t do, sketching offers an alternative to putting your thoughts onto paper.
Here are just a few more benefits of learning how to sketch:-
Really, there are endless positives, too numerous to mention. This is a hobby you can be proud of.
I think sketching is a personal adventure so there are no hard and fast rules. In the book, I encourage you to use what works for you to help you create your own unique works of art.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
Variety Is The Spice of Life…
There are numerous ways to create great sketches. We are all different so you are shown various methods used to create a sketch. The how to sketch guide gives you a plan to follow, the main point is to start simple and learn the basic steps.
Just think, once you know how to sketch, you can replace your camera with a sketchbook — every sketch will transport you back to that time and place just as effectively or better than a photo can.
But I Can’t Draw Or Sketch…
I wasted 40 years thinking that I didn’t have the natural gift that was required to draw. I don’t want you to experience the sadness I feel when I realize my life could have been so much richer having sketching as a hobby.
Each one of us has the ability to draw. All it takes is a little instruction or guidance and your excitement starts the same moment you realize I’m telling you the truth!
This book makes learning how to sketch so quick and easy, you’ll be amazed at how soon you will be producing great sketches.
Walt Disney was so right when he said…
”If you can dream it, you can do it.”
You don’t need to be experienced or talented, once you know how to sketch, your drawing skills will also evolve and come alive! The book is lightweight reading and you might discover that sketching is just the thing for you.
All you have to do is practice along with me so you can understand the process.
If we are taught to swim by analyzing movement etc, we will drown! However, if we are taken into the water and shown how to swim, we can learn without a word of explanation.
It’s true, we all learn best by seeing and doing. That’s exactly what you are encouraged to do in this eBook, ”How To Sketch”. Learn by example with a little explanation and you will learn a lot. Yes, we learn how to sketch by sketching — more rapidly than by any other means combined.
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There’s certainly great value in things that last forever and this eBook is one such item.
It contains information that will never go out of date. It’s actually better for you to read it over and over again, you’ll pick up hints you missed first time around. Sometimes things make more sense as you practice, grow and learn.
”This book introduces you to a hobby that is very addictive!”
Imagine yourself getting compliments about your sketches – you become more energized and that impetus really helps your sketching skills to develop faster! How is it different from normal books?
How is the book delivered?
The How to Sketch guide (plus all bonus books) is delivered in PDF format, viewable on any computer (PC or Mac) and printable on any printer. This is a downloadable product because that is the fastest way for you to start using the information. It also means the book is cheaper because you don’t have to pay for printing and shipping. If you haven’t got Adobe Reader on your computer, you can easily install it by following the instructions to download the latest Abode Reader for Free.
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What You’ll Learn in this Book:
(Every chapter is stacked with diagrams, examples and illustrations.)
Chapter 1: Sketching With Pencil
Of course, you can use any medium, but this guide’s focus is on pencil so you’re not procrastinating over which medium to use before you start.
A brief explanation of the few things required.
Chapter 3: Applying the pencil
The difference between drawing and sketching is sometimes blurred so we discuss that here plus some exercises on how to limber up and get ready. Chapter 4: Quality of Pencil Strokes
Tactics you employ to get the best looking sketches. Find out first what the medium can do, and then learn to do it expressively as you sketch.
Chapter 5: Direction of Strokes
Taking small steps, we start with the simplest way to put down a sketch.
Chapter 6: Character of Strokes
Building on what you learn in the previous chapter, you start to create more interest in your sketches.
Chapter 7: Grouping of Strokes
Ideas to further enhance your sketches by revealing which indicators will guide you. Chapter 8: Measure with a pencil
The secret to proportion – a technique that you’ll use for life. Once you know this tip, your sketches will always be true.
health /> Chapter 9: Sketching Buildings
Examples and ideas of easy ways you can sketch buildings of any kind.
Chapter 10: Sketching Foliage
Guidelines and illustrations for the best way to recreate nature on paper.
Chapter 11: Sketching Animals
The tips and tricks for sketching animals.
Chapter 12: Sketching The Figure
We discuss reducing this complicated subject to its simplest form.
Chapter 13: Light, Shade and Shadows
Delving into the important aspects of light and shade, you learn how to work it into your creations.
Chapter 14: Sketching Exercises
Fun and easy exercises that introduce more speed into your work. Also, for your convenience, there’s a Glossary included at the end of the Sketching Book which gives the meanings of common art-related words.
You also receive these FOUR extra books that are complimentary to your artistic success:
If you haven’t got a spare sketchbook, you can always quickly make one of your own from things just lying around the house. In this book you’ll find a really easy step by step process to follow.
A collection of my most favorite helpful tips.
More than 60 good-sized drawings and sketches of varied topics from past artists – these are great practice for you to copy and learn from as you go along.
A step by step drawing book that’s great for young and old alike. A definite favorite of mine that I had to share with you. Even though it’s actually a ‘How To Draw’ book, every bit of practice helps you to get those ideas down on paper quickly!
That’s right, when you purchase the ”How To Sketch” eBook, you also receive FOUR bonus products as a token of my thanks.
Your One Time investment will be…
That’s way less than one hour with an art teacher yet it lasts you a lifetime! Yes please, I want to get started Now!
You can go through these books at your own pace, no deadlines and no pressure, only pleasure!
Here’s a Quick Summary of What You Get…
Please note: This is a fullly downloadable e-book and NOT a physical book. You will gain immediate access to this eBook, straight after your order is processed.
(You get instant access – simply download to your computer and start sketching!)
Who knows, you could be selling your sketches on eBay this time next year!
The ”How To Sketch” eBook provides you with the foundation to become a sketch artist. All you need besides this book is a desire to learn how to sketch.
”There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney
You can learn how to sketch with confidence! I wish you many delightful and rewarding moments with your favorite sketching pencil – don’t you deserve that?
P.S… Do something special for yourself, buy this book right now!
P.P.S… Please Don’t Wait Too Long – Make Sketching A Priority in your life Now. You’ll LOVE it!
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Britney Spears’ ‘Baby One More Time’ Was Turned Down by Backstreet Boys, TLC

Britney Spears ‘ iconic hit, “…Baby One More Time,” almost wasn’t hers at all … ’cause the producer of the famous track shockingly got turned down by groups like TLC and the Backstreet Boys! Swedish music producer Max Martin had already made a name for himself in gaming the ’90s, working with Backstreet Boys on “Quit Playing Games” and Robyn on “Show Me Love” … but for some reason, ‘Baby’ wasn’t something his past collaborators were feeling. He also hit up TLC, who were gearing up for their first album in 5 years, and they didn’t bite either — but 16-year-old Britney, the former “All-New Mickey Mouse Club” member, turned the tides. Britney was flown out to Sweden as a teen to work with Max on her debut album, and he played her a demo of himself singing the song … and she was hooked. She went on to record the track, as well as 6 others, with Max during her week in Stockholm … and as you know, what came after was INSTANT success — ‘Baby’ made its way to number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was nominated for a Grammy. It also landed a spot in Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, and has been covered countless times by artists. BTW, Simon Cowell heard about ‘Baby’ before it ever came out — the ‘AGT’ judge revealed on the “Howie Mandel Does Stuff” podcast earlier this year that he called up Max and begged him to give him the song for Five, his boy band at the time, but Max shot him down. Britney’s huge debut track turns 25 this week, and her long-awaited memoir , “The Woman In Me,” hits shelves this same week … so fans have a lot to celebrate right now.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

New 4-Minute Fighter Abs – HIGHEST Converting Ab Offer On The Internet

Product Name: New 4-Minute Fighter Abs – news HIGHEST Converting Ab Offer On The Internet Click here to get New 4-Minute Fighter Abs – HIGHEST Converting Ab Offer On The Internet at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. New 4-Minute Fighter Abs – HIGHEST Converting Ab Offer On The Internet is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean , you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: Click here to get New 4-Minute Fighter Abs – HIGHEST Converting Ab Offer On The Internet at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. New 4-Minute Fighter Abs – HIGHEST Converting Ab Offer On The Internet is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean , you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

At Cairo Peace Summit, Guterres stresses need for sustained humanitarian aid to Gaza — Global Issues

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi convened leaders from the region and around the world in efforts to de-escalate hostilities following the Hamas incursion into Israel on 7 October, and Israel’s bombing of Gaza and complete siege of the enclave.
The Summit took place one day after the UN chief travelled to the Rafah border crossing in Egypt’s north Sinai, the sole border crossing open with Gaza.
“There I saw a paradox — a humanitarian catastrophe playing out in real time,” he said.
Mr. Guterres noted that hundreds of trucks “teeming with food and other essential supplies” were on the Egyptian side while across the border, two million people in Gaza were going without water, food, fuel, electricity and medicine.
On Saturday, a convoy carrying desperately needed items crossed into Gaza. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
Trucks carrying humanitarian aid wait to cross into Gaza from Egypt through Rafah. UN working nonstop
“Those trucks need to move as quickly as possible in a massive, sustained and safe way from Egypt into Gaza,” said Mr. Guterres, adding that the UN is working nonstop with all parties towards a continuous delivery of aid at the scale that is needed.
The Secretary-General stressed that the near-term goals must be clear, repeating his call for immediate, unrestricted and sustained humanitarian aid to Gaza, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages by Hamas, and a humanitarian ceasefire now.
He said that the grievances of the Palestinian people are legitimate and long, but nothing can justify the reprehensible assault by Hamas that terrorized Israeli civilians. At the same time, these abhorrent attacks can never justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. Time for action
He emphasised the need to uphold international humanitarian law, which includes protecting civilians and not attacking hospitals, schools and UN premises currently sheltering half a million people. He also called for not losing sight of “the only realistic foundation for a true peace and stability”, namely a two-State solution for Israelis and Palestinians.
“The time has come for action,” he said. “Action to end this godawful nightmare. Action to build a future worthy of the dreams of the fitness children of Palestine, Israel, the region and our world.”
Release all hostages
Earlier on Saturday, the UN chief expressed gratitude for the assistance of the Emir of Qatar for his efforts to secure the release of two Americans who had been held hostage in Gaza, his Spokesperson said in a statement.
Mr. Guterres renewed his call for an immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and again appealed for unhindered and sustained humanitarian access in Gaza, full respect for international law and the protection of civilians, and international action to avoid the conflict from expanding to the wider region.

Former Italian Prime Minister’s Art Collection Deemed ‘Worthless’ – ARTnews.com

The art collection of former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, who died in June, has been deemed worthless by leading Italian art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, the BBC reported on Thursday. Berlusconi, who had a net worth of €6 billion (about $6.4 billion), purchased many of the paintings and sculptures in his collection from late night televised auctions. A whopping 25,000 paintings of Madonnas, naked women, and European cityscapes have been deemed of poor quality with little to no value. Only six or seven from the lot, according to Sgarbi, have any artistic worth. Related Articles Altogether, the collection has an estimated value of €20 million (roughly $21.2 million), with an average of about €800 (approximately $847) per painting. Since Berlusconi’s passing, his descendants have had a difficult time managing the collection, which is held in a 34,400 square foot warehouse near his mansion outside of Milan. The warehouse costs nearly €800,000 (about $846,880) per year to maintain. Additionally, a portion of the collection has been compromised by woodworms and, in some cases, the extermination costs would exceed the value of the artwork. However, Berlusconi also owned higher quality paintings, including works by news the Renaissance painter Titian and the Dutch master Rembrandt, which were housed at his primary residence. London-based art dealer Cesare Lampronti who worked closely with Berlusconi for three decades noted that he was an impulsive buyer, adding, “He knew what he was buying was worthless.”

A Minimalist Approach to Skincare

Are you a skinamalist? Much more and more females and men are at last exploring that when it comes to skincare, a lot less is additional, and extra undoubtedly expenditures a good deal. As a result, some of us are re-analyzing our crowded lavatory cabinets and vanity tables and are ruthlessly clearing and mercilessly de-cluttering them. Preserving your skincare plan to the bare minimum is liberating.
Today’s makeup mantra is, “Enough is sufficient! Stick to the essentials, and really do not muddle up your epidermis!” Grooming overload has offered beginning to the ultra-slow and simplistic “Skinamalism Movement,” which advocates disregarding magazine and Tv set advertisements with the hottest dermatologists’ claims and streamlining the attractiveness regimen rather. At the coronary heart of the motion is the philosophy of cutting down on the amount of cosmetics and de-commissioning one’s facial armory. In other text, free of charge up space in your toilet and on your facial area.
Edit that list of primers, serums, and exfoliating toners. In small, remember to don’t use all of them. Decide on between a moisturizer with colloidal oatmeal, a glycolic acid product or service, the retinol, and that benzoyl peroxide routine and salicylic acid repair. Listed here are some of the most deluxe, self-indulgent, multi-beneficial lazes and your fastest route to bathing Nirvana. courtesy of the manufacturer New Sake Skincare
Japanese Geisha girls swore by rice grain sake, infusing baths with it and persimmons. Refreshing features products applying a ginger root extract, melissa leaf extract, radish root extract, peach fruit extract, apricot kernel, passionflower seed, and sesame seed oils. Refreshing Sugar Lemon Sugar Bath Cubes are great for exfoliating dry pores and skin. www.fresh new.com courtesy of the brand name Amayori Shizumi Luxurious Tub Salts
Former New York real estate agent Francois Decatrel returned from Japan (the place bathing is a pillar of self-care) to build her fitness at-dwelling Amayori Shizumi Luxury variety of bathing ritual merchandise. Philadelphia-based mostly Amayori’s identify arrives from Amaya (night time rain) and Kaori (beautifully scented). Shizumi usually means relaxed, silent water. Mineral-prosperous sea salts harvested off the coast of Ishigaki Island of Okinawa are mixed with environmentally friendly tea, “yomogi” (Japanese mugwort), Mekabu, and Hokkaido seaweeds. Other products and solutions employ restful, well being-giving Japanese sea vegetables, hinoki tree wood, yuzu, and rice bran oil. courtesy of the model Frederic Malle Portrait of a Woman Foam Bathtub Fédéric Malle ‘s most iconic fragrance now will come in a foam and frothy variety – elite bath bombs. Designed with rose, blackcurrant, raspberry, clove, patchouli, sandalwood, and frankincense notes by acclaimed nose Dominique Ropion, it describes by itself as “an opulent but ethereal.” courtesy of the brand Verdant Alchemy Bathtub Salts Verdant Alchemy bath salts are rooted in aromatherapy, and every fragrance has the functional reason of helping elevate your nicely-being. courtesy of the brand Laura Mercier Honey Bath
A vanilla and caramel-scented foam bath with nutritional vitamins A and E and normal honey to soothe and soften skin is the most current by Laura Mercier . French makeup artist Mercier has set her title on several iconic beauty products . A nourishing blend of shea butter, vanilla extracts, sweet almond proteins, hydrolyzed rice, oat proteins, and Pro-Vitamin B-5, the foam bathtub contains blends of vanilla, tangerine, tiger orchid, and musky sandalwood. courtesy of the manufacturer Bastide’s Bath Salts Bastide was established in Aix-en-Provence by Frédéric Fekkai and Shirin von Wulffen. Their goods are hand-crafted by expert French artisans making use of salt from the antioxidant-loaded Carmague Sea in Provence, infused with Fleur d’Oranger. Naturally rich in anti-oxidants, they are suitable for all ages.
The hottest magnificence trend and perfectly-currently being hack is not to comply with any pattern. Be a skinamalist and wean your self off all people primers, serums, and toners. Get your skincare routine down to the bare least, literally. Permit your bath choose demand. And as you soak away, bear in mind that one particular of the world’s very first attractiveness influencers was an ass. In 1618, a donkey uncovered a all-natural spring on Epsom Popular in Surrey, England, and was miraculously treated of its sores. A gentleman termed Henry Wicked ran with this legend and turned Surrey into a spa town. And bathing has been elevated at any time considering the fact that.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Natalee Holloway case: Joran van der Sloot admits to killing Alabama teen and pleads guilty to defrauding and extorting her family, judge says

Birmingham, Alabama CNN  —  Joran van der Sloot, the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba, has admitted to killing the Alabama teen, a US federal judge said Wednesday. “I have considered your confession to the brutal murder of Natalee Holloway,” Judge Anna Manasco said after reading van der Sloot’s proffer. “You have brutally murdered in separate incidents years apart two beautiful women who refused your sexual advances,” the judge said, referring to a separate killing in Peru in 2010. Van der Sloot, the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of Holloway, pleaded guilty Wednesday to charges of extortion and wire fraud in connection with the Alabama teen’s remains. He was accused of trying to sell information about the location of Holloway’s remains to her family in exchange for $250,000. Holloway’s body has never been found. In 2012, an Alabama judge signed an order declaring her legally dead. Van der Sloot had been arrested multiple times in connection with Holloway’s death. He was subsequently released by Aruban authorities who cited a lack of direct evidence. But on Wednesday, Holloway’s mother lambasted van der Sloot in court after seeing his proffer, which she said included his admission to killing the teen. “For 19 years you denied killing Natalee Holloway. Your lies have caused indiscernible pain. You have finally admitted that you murdered her,” Beth Holloway said in an emotional victim impact statement. “You are a killer and I want you to remember that.” CNN has not seen van der Sloot’s proffer. Van der Sloot is serving a 28-year prison sentence in Peru for the 2010 murder of Stephany Flores. Peruvian officials allowed his temporary release to the US in June to face the extortion and wire fraud charges. Almost two decades after Holloway vanished in Aruba, van der Sloot might soon reveal long-awaited details about how she died. As a condition of a plea deal, van der Sloot was required to say how Holloway died and how her body was disposed of, Holloway family attorney John Q. Kelly told NBC’s “Today” show prior to Wednesday’s guilty pleas. “There won’t be any further investigation or search … for Natalee’s remains,” Kelly said on “Today.” Beth Holloway, Natalee’s mother, will hold a news conference after the hearing to share what van der Sloot told FBI authorities. CNN has sought more information from Kelly and as well as comment from the US Justice Department and police in Aruba. 18 years of mystery and misery Holloway was in the Caribbean nation on a high school graduation trip when she vanished in 2005. The 18-year-old was last seen leaving a nightclub with van der Sloot and two other men, brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. The three men were arrested in 2005 but were released due to insufficient evidence. They were rearrested and charged in 2007 for “involvement in the voluntary manslaughter of Natalee Holloway or causing serious bodily harm to Natalee Holloway, resulting in her death,” Aruban prosecutors said at the time. But a few weeks later, an Aruban judge ordered van der Sloot’s release, citing a lack of direct evidence that Holloway died from a violent crime or that van der Sloot was involved in such a crime. The Kalpoe brothers were also released. While US officials don’t have jurisdiction over the criminal investigation in Aruba, a federal grand jury in Alabama indicted van der Sloot for an alleged plot to sell information about Holloway’s remains to her family in exchange for $250,000. According to the indictment, van der Sloot’s scheme took place between March and May 2010. He was indicted in June 2010 on charges of extortion and wire fraud. In the weeks between the alleged extortion and indictment, van der Sloot killed 21-year-old Stephany Flores at his hotel room in Peru on May 30, 2010. Van der Sloot confessed to killing Flores and was sentenced to 28 years in a Peruvian prison. But in June, van der Sloot was temporarily transferred to the US to face the extortion and fraud charges under an agreement between Peru and the US. Van der Sloot will return to Peru to finish his murder sentence in the Flores case. Afterward, he will return to the US to start his prison sentence travel for the federal extortion and wire fraud charges.