Saturday, August 20, 2022

Most ‘Shazamed’ Songs Across 7 Genres

Drake was crowned as Shazam’s top searched artist. Photo: STRMX2 (AP) It’s been 20 years since someone first held up their phone to a speaker playing a vaguely familiar tune and wondered, “wait, who sings this?” The music recognition app Shazam celebrated its 20th anniversary by releasing a playlist of the most searched songs over the past two decades.
The playlist was released on Apple Music , and includes some bangers that have haunted us by repeatedly playing at every restaurant, bar or mall like Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep,’ Evanescene’s ‘Bring Me to Life,’ and ‘Hey, Soul Sister’ by Train. And while the very popular, Toronto’s very own artist Drake was at the top of the list as the most ‘shazamed’ artist in the past 20 years with 17 million news shazams, more obscure artists with catchy hits also made the list.
Shazam listed the most searched songs across seven genres, and the results are, like, totally recognizable once you get to the chorus.

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