Sunday, May 22, 2022

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF May 16 – 22, 2022 On Monday, May 16, the dust is still settling from the total lunar eclipse of the night before. But your spirits will soar this Wednesday, May 18, as dynamic Mars teams up with creative Neptune in your outgoing, communal eleventh house. Once every two years, this peculiar planetary pairing provides the adrenaline rush that’s required to cross borders and connect with different groups of people. Assemble the ideal-sized crowd and make the fun happen. Do you know someone who DJs? Got a friend with grill skills? Given that the eleventh house rules social justice, you could opt to attend a rally taking place in your area. Be absolutely sure that your core crew is stocked with positive people. Unpleasant group dynamics may rear their ugly head around Wednesday, and you might feel drained by the Mars-fueled stress and Neptunian confusion. One side of you can accept going along to get along, but your invincible constructive side ISN’T willing to sit around waiting for the house of cards to tumble. It may be time to exit the group or hand a disruptive diva their eviction notice. No doubt your friends are as tired as you are of giving in to this narcissist’s demands. On Friday, May 20 the Sun zings into Gemini and your second house of money, resources and worth until June 21. Streamline, simplify and scale back. After a decadent birthday season, a more minimalist approach will keep you on track. Don’t sacrifice quality, Bull! But DO curate your life—and give it a thorough sweep if you became an “unconscious consumer” this past month. You may have had a tornado of goals swirling in your brain while the Sun was in Taurus; now it’s time to put your money—and some blood, sweat and tears—where your mouth is. Start by getting real about it. Which of those aims are worth pursuing? This solar surge calls for smart budgeting. You could experience an uptick in your income between now and June 21, but you don’t want to burn it as fast as you earn it. Create savings accounts for a handful of long-term expenses and have pre-determined amounts auto deposited every week. The funds will add up before your very eyes! Searching for new work? Circulate! Gemini Season favors mixing and mingling, both online and at industry events. Has money been “funny” lately, Bull? On Sunday, mental Mercury, which has been backpedaling through Gemini and your financial sector since May 10, reverses into your sign and plugs the leak of red ink. Although you can’t dodge bona fide emergency expenditures, you CAN get a tighter grip on your budget and put a lid on retail therapy. Mercury will be retrograde until June 3, and there’s a silver lining: You have this second chance to examine your spending habits. You may need to give yourself a stern lecture and hold your own feet to the fire, but when you can afford that big-ticket item later in the year, you’ll be glad you did. But with Mercury retrograde in YOUR sign for this final lap, hold off on making any public declarations and instead, give yourself time to think through everything from your messaging to the image you present to the world. See All Signs The AstroTwins Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade. This content is created and maintained by news a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at

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